Lifelong friends

Created by Emily 27 days ago

Fiona and I got on from the minute we met at the age of 2 1/2, although she was three!

She was fun, stylish, enthusiastic, and made Me laugh and laugh and laugh. Life was better with her in it and the party didn’t start till Fiona arrived and then it really went well.
She was pragmatic too, seem to faze her, and she could cope with almost anything.

She was the one who suggested that since our children are going to get wet anyway in the sea, we just remove the clothes so at least they had something dry to put on afterwards – this was November! She was quite right the kids had a fabulous time and didn’t whinge on the way home

she brought Jeremy to her family and together they somehow were more than the two parts that They were As individuals. Their joy and pleasure in each other’s company was infectious, and I feel very privileged that we were able to share their company on so many happy occasions.

I can’t even begin to say how much I’m going to miss her. The world was a much better place when she was in it.